the captured light of an instant

35mm | color and b&w | dolby SR | 20min | 2017

Inspired by the personal observations of Fernando Pessoa’s The Book of Disquiet, and his hundred-year-old city guide of Lisbon. This film is an audio-visual investigation of time, a visual poetry researching different perspective of time, passage of time, time rift in experience, mind and space. A flow of the passage of time is created by a conversation and connection between the present and the past.


‘To live is to be other. It’s not even possible to feel, if one feels today what he felt yesterday. To feel today what one felt yesterday isn’t to feel – it’s to remember today what was felt yesterday, to be today’s living corpse of what yesterday was lived and lost. To erase everything from the slate from one day to the next, to be new with each new morning, in a perpetual revival of our emotional virginity – this, and only this, is worth being or having, to be or have what we imperfectly are. This dawn is the first dawn of the world. Never did this pink colour yellowing to a warm white so tinge, towards the west, the face of the buildings whose windowpane eyes gaze upon the silence brought by the growing light. There was never this hour, nor this light, nor this person that’s me. What will be tomorrow will be something else, and what I see will be seen by reconstituted eyes, full of a new vision.’

Text 94 The Book of Disquiet, Fernando Pessoa

Director/camera/editing/producer/post production: Lichun Tseng

Sound: Robert Kroos

Made at ANIM | Arquivo Nacional das Imagens em Movimento, Portugal

Special thanks to Daan de Bakker

Technical support provided by the staff of ANIM Laboratory, Lisbon, Portugal

With thanks to  Paolo Bernardini, Franco Bosco, Tiago Ganhão, Rafael Marques, Javier Mosqueda, Carine Soleilhavoup, Luzia Valente

Dolby SR Mastering + Optical Transfer: Studio l’Equipe

Made possible with the generous support of The Netherlands Film Fund, Centrum Beeldende Kunst Rotterdam,

Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema

Individual donations

关素珍,Wieke Van der Velden, Reinaart van Hoe, Gert Groenenberg, Céline Ruivo, Ymkje Repko, Ieke Trinks, George Korsmit, Ward Rinehart,Johann Lurf, Gabrielle Martins, Joost van Veen, First Name Last Name, Josh Lewis, Willy Janssen, Tessa Janssen, 蘇慧娟, 陳筱蕾, Mick O’Shea,莊松潔,Tim Leyendekker, Khing Njoo, Bart Koppe, 李淑芬,Anonymous, Lucas Fruytier,Cristina H Melo


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